hi there! the name i use most commonly online is ren. but i also go by cal and dex. i set up this nekoweb site when the site first launched, i gave it the same starting page as my site on neocities, but slightly modified. testing out nekoweb, i'm somewhat neutral on my experience. the $1 for more perks is tempting, but i'm not very prepped to just jump ship. i don't like just all of a sudden changing to something i'm unfamiliar with. i also sort of have an attachment to neocities. i'm not very fond of the 500mb storage limit for free users, if you know how file systems work you'd know that's not much comparing to the 1gb storage limit for free neocities users. i do like the editor though. i kind of already made myself at home on neocities; my nice, snug and warm tavern in the snowy cold forest at night that the internet is.

your site is your shelter from the cold; an escape from the harsh terrors of reality, to pretend you're somewhere else. visiting someone else's site is like them taking you in, sheltering you from the cold, giving you warm food and the best hot chocolate you've ever had. a safespace, where you are free to be yourself without the cold grip of conformity and real life that has taken the lives of other travellers before you.

so thats my excuse as to why i won't change from neocities bye

i may use this as some digital diary idk